"Passion for making a change & supporting others"
Empower the Invisible Project was founded in May 2019 with a number of amazing volunteers leading the way. It has made a firm commitment that means it will always be peer led.
It was borne out of a desire to help others, who like them had experienced childhood sexual abuse and were struggling to find a service to meet their needs.
Since its inception it has grown from strength to strength as a collaborative partnership with many other organisations alongside the volunteers who have greatly assisted them along the way to ensure that the support needed is available.
The success of the project would not have been made possible without other professional organisations including the NHS, Police, Prison Service and Social Care Providers who have acknowledged the difference that is being made in peoples lives and the positive impact the project is having.
More importantly the project would not be successful without the bravery and courage of the men and women who have accessed the service and who continue to come forward and break their silence.
We would also like to extend our gratitude and thanks to Clive Grunshaw Lancashire's Police and Crime Commissioner for the grant he has provided for us to expand our project. This funding ensures that not only can we open additional peer support groups but we can secure the longevity of them and this enables to assist other adults with trauma-related issues around non-recent childhood sexual abuse.